Sunday, 18 February 2018


Hello there! This is a short post but I really wanted to expand on one of the points I made in my last blog which was to REST.
 This is probably the most important lesson I learnt. Starting off the new year with so much vim I realized quickly that if I kept going the way I was going and didn't take any time out to breathe, relax and rest, I would quickly burn out and lose the desire to do any work at all. Rest days for me are days where I have no obligations, I can relax without any guilt or pressure (meaning I have worked hard) and more likely than not will involve my loved ones because I'm a people person.
Bible Scholar or not we all know that in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. He worked hard for six days and on the seventh, He rested. Genesis 2:2 says, “by the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” Mind you, He rested after finishing the work. Oftentimes when I used to think of physical rest, I associated it with laziness. Because normally it involves you doing nothing all day long and being unproductive. Which to me bears no fruit. On the contrary, it is intentional and refreshing and extremely beneficial. I now see it in terms of self-care when you rest as a result of working hard. Resting means prioritizing your well-being and your physical body. Even gym goers rest between sets because the body needs to recharge after engaging. 

When you are too tired, you risk productivity because you can’t give if you are running on empty. If you’re a go getter like me, rest is something you don’t like doing but it is necessary. Rest is biblical. My mom gave me some awesome advice if you struggle with resting. You may have obligations and desire to keep your word but it doesn’t always have to be in a specific time frame. Ie. Yes, I am still committed to doing this for you just not at this time. Millennials know all about protecting your peace. Resting is protecting your peace. Whatever way you define rest, whether that’s watching a movie reading a book or sleeping, do it and do it well. Trust me, it helps.

Stay Blessed!!

Elena Asks.