Saturday, 19 December 2015

God Is Always On Time

Here's the truth. God’s timing is the best. Everything that happens in your life was pre-destined long before you were even born. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans He has for you. He holds the plans He has for your life and allows them to come to pass.

I can see clearly in my life how God places people with such impeccable timing. It’s not everyone you meet who will be your BFF. Some people are just meant to pass by for a season, while others are meant to be life-long. But it is God who places each person in your life for a reason. And we must learn to trust Him when He is telling us to say bye or when he's telling us to open up and be vulnerable. Friendships are super important. Your friends should encourage you, hold you accountable, pray for you and rebuke you. We must walk with the wise if we also want to be wise (Proverbs 13:20). God knows exactly who you need and when you need them and that is why He places people in our lives. Left to us, we might surround ourselves with toxic people. 

In the same way, it’s not when you get to a certain place in life that God brings your spouse. I heard this earlier today and I think it is so true. Because the common discourse is “when God sees that you’re focused completely on Him, and content with being single, then He will bring your spouse.” I don’t think this is true because Your husband is a gift not a reward. Of course, it is important to keep your eyes fixed on God (Matthew 6:33), but you don’t work to earn your husband. Rather God gives or reveals him to you in His timing. And this is in accordance to His plans for you. Because even when your spouse comes, you're still on the journey of life. It’s not the end goal or final prize.  

For me, God’s timing in truly seen in my finances. I've realized that people aren't rich because God loves them more. In fact Jesus told a man to sell everything he had, give it to the poor and then follow Jesus. But the man struggled with this because he was very wealthy (Matthew 10: 17-29). Jesus loves the poor and the rich. It’s not because God loves you any less that you're broke. If anything it should show His love for you even more. In your 'lack' God is revealed as your source. He makes it so that He is all that we need (Psalm 23:1). In a practical sense, being broke can also teach us how to properly manage our money and how not to rely on ourselves. And during these times, when I have to put my faith and trust in God, I ask "God what can I do for you?" 

When I think about my life, I remember something that my friend Stephanie said. We were talking one evening about how we ended up where we are right now in our individual lives. I proposed a situation something like, 'could you imagine if your life was like this or if you ended up being raised in a different country?’ And to this she replied, ‘it would've happened the way it was supposed to.’ What was meant by this powerful statement was that everything that has gone on in our lives is in accordance with Gods plan. What is happening in your life is what is supposed to happen. God is not surprised by our life's ‘surprises.’ He knows everything we're going to do even before it is done.

When we face many trials, and go through what may seem like the hardest times in our lives, I'm reminded of Romans 8:18 which says, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” In life there will be good times and there will be hard times. But we can remain confident that we will get through it all just by trusting God to take care of us. Often times, God is using these situations to 'show off' in our lives. In this way people are truly able to see that God is at work. He alone is making you strong and getting the glory for it. It will sharpen you and cause you to renounce self- sufficiency and truly depend on God. And that is what trust really is.

So pick up you sword, re-adjust your crown and let's go to battle!

It’s not over, 
I'm holding on till the end,
If I stumble,
I'll rise again and again. 
-Prosper & GPM

Stay Blessed!!

Elena Asks.