Four words commonly heard by a girl with a crush. It is normal for girls to have feelings of attraction towards the opposite sex. God created us that way. But when it turns into lust, or an idol or a distraction then we have a problem. Earlier this year I developed a crush on a guy and I started to noticed that he was taking over my thoughts. This lead me to begin researching what God requires of us and how we can honor him when we have a crush on someone. We often get to a point where we obsesses over our crushes. I found myself 'changing' my interests to impress this guy. Some of you might be using other people to get to your crush or even denying your faith and beliefs to get in good with them. This is no beuno! You shouldn't have to change yourself to make someone like you or notice you. With that being said, I am going to elaborate on what I do when I have a crush on someone.
1) Give it to God
Philippians 4:6 says, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." The first thing you need to do is pray. Thank God for the qualities you see in the guy. Thank God that He created him fearfully and wonderfully. Ask God to keep your heart guarded and protected. Surrender your control and your feelings to God and allow Him to work on you.
2) Pray for the will of God
Ask that God would close the door and remove the desire if it doesn't line up with His will. And also pray that if it is the will of God that He would give you a clear sign and give you patience in His timing. If it is God's desire allow Him to work it out and reveal it to the guy. Don't become impatient and manipulate the hand of God. James 4:7 says, "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you." God will show you whether it is of Him or the devil.
3) Guard your thought life
I can't stress enough how important this point is. There is a reason that Philippians 4:8 instructs us to " fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right and pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent on worthy of praise." So easily we allow our mind to wander off especially when there is a boy. One minute you're listening to your pastor preach and the next you've created a whole fantasy in your head of your first date, your proposal or even the first dance at your wedding. Your crush may be a mighty man of God but constantly thinking about him is keeping you from being fully devoted to the mighty God of man! There is power in your prayer. If you are struggling in this area, the moment you start thinking like that, pray! And don't just pray for the guy (because that can just be used as another excuse to think about him.. trust me, I know) but pray intentionally for someone else, pray for someone who needs healing, who needs Jesus etc. Satan will begin to notice that every time he tries to distract you, you begin praying selflessly for others and he will regret ever trying to mess with your thought life. A friend of mine introduced me to this great app call 'InstaPray' which is basically like an IG but for prayers. It is a great way to meet people from all over the world who are in need of prayers and intercessors that you can pray for.
4) Guard your heart
Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." Don't be led by your emotions. Give your heart to God and seek Him so he can discern it for you (1 Chronicles 28:9).
God will give you the desires of your heart but you don't truly know what these desires are because the heart is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9-10). Get to know the word of God for yourself so that you don't make the mistake of sinning against God (Psalm 119:11).
5) Ask God for discernment in your interactions and conversations
Let God reveal to you if what you are doing, saying or thinking is pleasing to Him or if it is sinful. And be aware of how you interact with your crush. You don't wan't to lead him on and be against God's plan. You also don't wan't to treat your brother in Christ as an enemy because you're bitter. Don't manipulate them in any way or confuse somebody else's future husband. Psalm 19:14 says, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
Finally, instead of focusing so much on finding the right one, look at your self and see if you are also becoming 'the one' for someone else. Enjoy your time of being single and seek first the kingdom of God. He will give you all that you need. Everything you're looking for is found in Him alone.
I'll close with this quote, "I struggled with not thinking I’d ever find someone who had swag and was serious about having a relationship with Christ. I felt like I would be more passionate about the Lord than other guys my age. If you have felt the same way, please know that this type of thinking is directly from the enemy. Just how God is developing you, he is preparing and developing your spouse. Don’t be afraid of becoming "too religious". There is no such thing. The most beautiful relationship you will ever have is the one you have with God. Be encouraged." -
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Stay Blessed!!!
Elena Asks.