Saturday, 18 January 2014

But Wait, There’s More!

I made an "about me" video! Please watch it and don't be a stranger :)

Stay Blessed!!

Elena Asks.

The Start of Something New!

On January 8th, 2014 I was completing my daily devotionals. Since December I have been studying the book of Ezekiel. I have already learnt so many things about God from studying that book, its amazing! So as I said, I was reading the book of Ezekiel and God just began to speak a vision into me. In Ezekiel 26, we learn about the nation of Tyre. Tyre was guilty of self-seeking. They figured "as long as its not us," we're good. Or "as long as we don't get caught" it's okay. But God sent a message to the people of Tyre through Ezekiel. The whole book of Ezekiel God uses him to share messages and prophesy to the nations. I thought to myself, what if Ezekiel disobeyed God and kept the message to himself? Now, Ezekiel would be a hindrance to someone else. The people of Tyre would be loosing out on a life-changing message (literally life and death) because Ezekiel chose not to listen to God and share this message. This really began to convict me because I have a lot of things to share, a lots of experiences and a lot of stories that other people need to hear. God was saying to me, Elena it's time to start sharing your heart. One of my sisters in Christ ( said in one of her youtube videos "If you can't post this blog about your past then that means you are still bound by it". I definitely want to know that I am fully released from the things that happened in my past and I want to be able to encourage other people with my stories. I want to glorify my God!

With that being said, I definitely don't have all the answers, but God does and I'm ready to start asking.

Stay blessed,

Elena Asks.